Egypt Travel Advice

Like many, I was riveted by the situation in Egypt back in 2011. Watching the demonstration unfold in front of the Pyramids of Giza which my friends and I visited less than a year earlier sends chills down my spine. While most flights to Cairo, Luxor and Alexandria have been cancelled, what do you do…

How to Stay Disciplined While Saving For a Long Trip

If there is one thing I struggle with the most, it is finding the discipline to save for a long trip. At first, it was just my school schedule that kind of conditioned me to travel for nothing longer than a month. Then I realized, I kept going on short trips because once you get…

My Trip to Montreal

Montreal is a diverse North American city with European charm. It’s located about an hour north of the Canadian border, about 350 miles (560 km) north of New York City. It’s roughly the same size in population as Philadelphia or Houston.     What Language do people speak in Montreal? About seventy percent of Montreal’s…